Bobo and the Fuss takes young readers on a journey through love, loss, and finding fast friendship in unexpected places.
Have you ever had a book rattling around in your head for months, even years? I'll wager that you currently have one. Well, this one is mine. But after five years, it is no longer just rattling around in my head, it is now rattling around on my hard drive! Also in the cloud, for safekeeping.
You see, five years ago, I brought home a baby boy. I agonized and fretted that my dog would not accept his demotion from center of attention to baby vomit cleaner (I did try to stop him the first couple of times). However, the first meeting went swimmingly, with the dog sniffing the baby and the two of them alternating between tolerating and adoring each other from then on.
Therefore, this book is not based on a true story. It is based on my anxiety about the imagined rancor between my newborn and my best friend. But it ended well in real life and ends well in the book. I promise.
At any rate, I want to print 1,000 of these books and peddle them across the globe. It's already written, illustrated, and laid out, all at my own expense. Now it just needs to be published and printed. To do that, I need your support. There's something in it for you, of course. Look at all the nifty rewards in store for you, you won't be disappointed! Unless you go for the top tier, but I clearly disclosed the value (or lack thereof) in reaching for it. But I guess in that case, you are actually paying for disappointment. So you won't be disappointed about your disappointment!
Thank you in advance for my advance to advance the arts!
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