The greatest trial of Humanity begins with the time-honored tale of one brave civilization risking everything to defend their homeland from the onslaught of outside invaders. When a young boy from upstate New York discovers a hidden civilization deep in the hills of the Adirondacks, he sees no other choice but to help his newfound family in the fight against those who seek to take away everything they know and love. However, nothing can prepare him as the deepest secrets of Humanity begin to creep from the shadows of the realm known as the Dark Zone.
Ice Cold: Part One: The Dark Zone (The Aeon Chronologies - First Chronology Book 1) by Taylor Caley
Ice Cold: Part One: The Dark Zone (The Aeon Chronologies - First Chronology Book 1) by Taylor Caley
The greatest trial of Humanity begins with the time-honored tale of one brave civilization risking everything to defend their homeland from the onslaught of outside invaders. When a young boy from upstate New York discovers a hidden civilization deep in the hills of the Adirondacks, he sees no other choice but to help his newfound family in the fight against those who seek to take away everything they know and love. However, nothing can prepare him as the deepest secrets of Humanity begin to creep from the shadows of the realm known as the Dark Zone.
The greatest trial of Humanity begins with the time-honored tale of one brave civilization risking everything to defend their homeland from the onslaught of outside invaders. When a young boy from upstate New York discovers a hidden civilization deep in the hills of the Adirondacks, he sees no other choice but to help his newfound family in the fight against those who seek to take away everything they know and love. However, nothing can prepare him as the deepest secrets of Humanity begin to creep from the shadows of the realm known as the Dark Zone.
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