If you had the chance to live forever, would you take it?
In a new twist on the fountain of youth, we follow the diary journals over the centuries of two people who drink from the waters and take alternating turns between childhood and old age.
This truly unique piece of literature that seamlessly combines a slightly futuristic fantasy and magic with a realistic story of empathy and the struggle of witnessing human suffering and the death process.
Readers who enjoy puzzles, mysteries, twists, historical fiction, and not always endearing characters, Insensible Loss will be your favorite find this year.
What is Insensible Loss?
Insensible Loss - medical: the amount of water lost on a daily basis from the lungs, skin, and respiratory tract; the exact amount cannot be measured.
Insensible Loss - wilderness survival: unawareness that water loss is actually occurring; loss during high-intensity action simply breathed away, evaporated, and never realized.
“Sometimes eraser marks on a page mean more than what’s written.” —Autor Widmor
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